Friday, April 19, 2013

Raw-Food .. Vegan Recipes .. Maybe ?

Hello everyone :) or to those 2-3 individuals who will actually take the time to read this :) I thank you in advance for taking the time out of your day and reading the Weird shit i write...
I have decided to do a blog..(Big surprise right!!! NOT!!!)
This blog, much like everything i do will consist of very random post..
However, i will mainly use this blogging shenanigan to post Raw-Vegan Recipes..
Every recipe will either be experimental recipes (that happen frequently in my kitchen :/ lol) or recipes i like and got from somewhere else..
As many of you know, I have transformed my diet into a half-ass  Raw-low fat lifestyle!!  80% of what i eat is vegan and raw 20% is not..  I am a noob and eating healthy all the time is extremely difficult  both financially and emotionally ( &physically) it is hard but i try my best. I will also post updates about my progress :)

This blog will also include other random things that i find interesting ...
Thank you for reading <3 

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