Saturday, June 29, 2013

Diabetic?? Foods you should be eating but are not...

Diabetes is an insulin deficiency that results in high blood-sugar levels. It affects your body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fat which often increases your chances of infections. If not treated or controlled diabetes can result in high blood pressure, deterioration of circulation which will cause kidney and eye problems. 

There is two types of diabetes those of which include type 1 diabetes which begins in childhood and most often than not is hereditary... 
Type 1 diabetes: Often results from your pancreas being unable to produce adequate amount of insulin (Often controlled by daily insulin injections) 

Type 2 diabetes usually occurs during adulthood and is caused by poor eating habits and being over weight.. The body produces adequate levels of insulin however it is unable to use it efficiently. 

Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with a low fat vegan diet... 

Things you should be doing but are not:: 
Maximize your daily vegetarian intake (fresh organic fruits and vegetables) 
Legumes and unrefined grains to help regulate blood sugar and boost your immune system
Maximize Omega 3 fatty acids 
Exercise Daily 

Healing Foods:: 
Apples, Avocados, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Pears,
Broccoli, Artichokes, Leafy Greens, Onions

Things you should not be doing but are: 
Minimize Animal fat's in meat 

Dairy products 
Dried Fruits 
Fats and Oils 
Processed Foods 
Refined Foods

Yummy Recipe:: 
Apple Deliciousness 

2 Apples 
1 Pear 
3 Beats 
1 Lemon 
1/2 Ginger Root 

Using a juicer, process your fruits then serve ... ;) 

*Consult your doctor before trying this ... 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Diarrhea Madness: How to Stop it..

Diarrhea is simply an inflammation of the bowel which is caused by bacterial or viral infections.. 
Most often than not diarrhea is caused by food allergies or intolerance to certain foods... 
It is a digestive system MALFUNCTION!! 

What to do:: 
First of all stay HYDRATED !!! diarrhea can and will cause dehydration.. which can become life threatening.. Drink tons of water .. You can also drink beverages that contain electrolytes... 

Eat foods that are high in Pectin and Potassium as this can help eliminate or reduce symptoms of diarrhea.. 

Apple Sauce
White Rice 

What Not to do::
Avoid Foods that are: 
Fatty and Greasy 
Dairy Products 
Nuts and Whole grains 
Raw Fruits 
Raw Vegetables (Cook them, the fiber in raw veggies can irritate an inflamed bowl) 

In all honesty, Banana's are the way to go ... Not only are they delicious but affordable and are always ready to consume :)

*If diarrhea last longer than 4 days consult a doctor as this can become life threatening especially for young children.. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Schwarzkopf Professional OSiS+ Review

Want Big Voluminous Hair??!!
Then the OSIS Dust it is perfect for you .. 
Smells Delicious 
Holds hair 

Leave's Residue 
Irritating to skin 

A little goes a long way ;)

Innovative rubber consistency provides you with outstanding texturizing effects
Versatile, moldable texture
Separates, defines and shapes as you wish
No shine, subtle matte effect
Strong style control for thick hair, but not overburdening for fine hair 

Innovative microsponge technology to keep the hair moldable at any time 

                                                      Take a small amount and rub it between the palm of your hands
Apply it on dry or damp hair and work it throughout the hair
Roughen up your style as you wish 
Countrol Level 3/1.69 fl.oz 

i received this product complimentary for testing and review purposes from Influenster

Monday, June 10, 2013

Spicy Fruit Salad

Looking for a fast, Spicy and sweet delicious treat ?? 
Well i have the perfect Fruit salad to satisfy your sweet tooth ;) 


1 Mango 
1/4 Cup of Pineapple 
1 Cucumber (Pepino)
2 Orange's
2 Table spoon's of Tajin 

Blend the Pineapple and 1 orange together then add the tajin
Cut the Mango, Cucumber, Orange into little squares
Get a bowl or container 
Add the fruit then the juice 
Refrigerate for 30min's 
You can let it marinate longer for a better tasting Flavor 
Enjoy this Deliciousness !! 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Secret Outlast Clear Gel

Do you hate white marks left by your deodorant ?? 
Does it annoy you ?? Make you angry?? Ruin's your day !!! ? 
Well the Secret Outlast Clear Gel is here to the rescue !! 
Not only does it smell great but does not leave any white marks !! 
Which is the best thing ever.. 
And it last for 48 hour's!!
I am not joking when i say this !! i actually went 48 hours without reapplying deodorant
thanks to the Secret Outlast Clear Gel Deodorant ;)   
However this can vary from person to person ... 
Although this product is amazing...
 some of you might be disappointed with the amount of time it takes the formula to dry 
the smell is completely over powering ..
however it is a pleasant smell (kinda fruitie) 
And a little goes a long way with this product .. 
This is now my to go deodorant 
I love it !!! My clothe's no longer have white marks !! ;) 
And for 4 bucks !! it is an amazing product that will definitely keep you feeling fresh and clean through out your day 
Totally Worth it !!! 

I received this deodorant complimentary from Influenster

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cutest Kitty -Meet Abby

My family and i found this gorgeous playful kitten wandering around lost, hungry and afraid.. 
We found her in the park wandering around.. 
We waited for someone to come looking for her since she had a flee collard on... 
2 hours passed and no one came .. 
We decided to keep it and raise it as our own :) 
Her name is Abby Shaila 
This is a video introducing her to the rest of the clan A.K.A. all of her new  brothers  
Kiwi, Robin, Panther, Moochie, all accepted her 
Shadow is a bit reluctant and jealous of the new kitten.. 
Shadow is my 3 year old tabby male cat (He is getting used to the fact that he no longer is the only cat in the house ) lol 
Abby is a strong and brave little kitten .. 
Extremely beautiful and playful 
We do not know how long she was in the streets for 
however we are more than drill to have her join our family :) 

No animals were harm in the making of this video!!  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Leafy Green Deliciousness

Tired, Moody in need of some energy ?? 
Well you came to the right place <3 

 This is such a yummy juice 
I guarantee you will love it !! 

Red and white Chard (A couple of leaves) 
3 Carrots 
2 Cucumbers 
1 Lemon 
1 Apple 
Cup of Spinach 
Small piece of Ginger 

Enjoy this Deliciousness <3