Sunday, June 23, 2013

Diarrhea Madness: How to Stop it..

Diarrhea is simply an inflammation of the bowel which is caused by bacterial or viral infections.. 
Most often than not diarrhea is caused by food allergies or intolerance to certain foods... 
It is a digestive system MALFUNCTION!! 

What to do:: 
First of all stay HYDRATED !!! diarrhea can and will cause dehydration.. which can become life threatening.. Drink tons of water .. You can also drink beverages that contain electrolytes... 

Eat foods that are high in Pectin and Potassium as this can help eliminate or reduce symptoms of diarrhea.. 

Apple Sauce
White Rice 

What Not to do::
Avoid Foods that are: 
Fatty and Greasy 
Dairy Products 
Nuts and Whole grains 
Raw Fruits 
Raw Vegetables (Cook them, the fiber in raw veggies can irritate an inflamed bowl) 

In all honesty, Banana's are the way to go ... Not only are they delicious but affordable and are always ready to consume :)

*If diarrhea last longer than 4 days consult a doctor as this can become life threatening especially for young children.. 

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