Saturday, June 29, 2013

Diabetic?? Foods you should be eating but are not...

Diabetes is an insulin deficiency that results in high blood-sugar levels. It affects your body's ability to metabolize carbohydrates, protein and fat which often increases your chances of infections. If not treated or controlled diabetes can result in high blood pressure, deterioration of circulation which will cause kidney and eye problems. 

There is two types of diabetes those of which include type 1 diabetes which begins in childhood and most often than not is hereditary... 
Type 1 diabetes: Often results from your pancreas being unable to produce adequate amount of insulin (Often controlled by daily insulin injections) 

Type 2 diabetes usually occurs during adulthood and is caused by poor eating habits and being over weight.. The body produces adequate levels of insulin however it is unable to use it efficiently. 

Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with a low fat vegan diet... 

Things you should be doing but are not:: 
Maximize your daily vegetarian intake (fresh organic fruits and vegetables) 
Legumes and unrefined grains to help regulate blood sugar and boost your immune system
Maximize Omega 3 fatty acids 
Exercise Daily 

Healing Foods:: 
Apples, Avocados, Blueberries, Grapefruit, Lemons, Limes, Pears,
Broccoli, Artichokes, Leafy Greens, Onions

Things you should not be doing but are: 
Minimize Animal fat's in meat 

Dairy products 
Dried Fruits 
Fats and Oils 
Processed Foods 
Refined Foods

Yummy Recipe:: 
Apple Deliciousness 

2 Apples 
1 Pear 
3 Beats 
1 Lemon 
1/2 Ginger Root 

Using a juicer, process your fruits then serve ... ;) 

*Consult your doctor before trying this ... 

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