Monday, July 15, 2013

Weight-loss Week 2 (Feel like i failed)

I feel bad today; I failed. Well not really but I feel like I did… I over ate and drank a soda. I do not feel bad for drinking the soda it was delicious but now I shall not have a soda on Saturday like I usually do. I am still hungry I believe I am carb deprived.  I usually eat a lot of fruits and well today and I believe for the rest of the week I will have no access to my delicious, yummy fruits L I am truly saddened because I go through a lot of fruit. That is my primary source of energy/food.  Now that I have no fruits and I am solely depending on vegetables primarily lettuces (Only thing I could afford at the moment) I am feeling a drop in my energy and self esteem. Which is weird considering clean eating should make you feel better.  However, one bad day will not destroy my confidence I am sure tomorrow will be a better day.
                Lack of fruit is lack of food for me. Today I ate the last of my delicious fruits!! It was amazing but it was not enough. I had no energy today while running; it was hell. I literally felt like I would die. I was short of breath and energy. However I managed to run 2 miles and well I am pretty happy. I cannot say the same for everyone around me though. I felt bad for those who got on my bad side. I wish I could apologize to them but I probably will never see them again.  My mood was horrible today while running. I felt like a dragon, pissed off at the world primarily myself. Not eating before exercising was probably a bad idea as well. I have learned my lesson.
                Fortunately, today will not defeat me I will not let it bring me down. I know I can do it I am committed tomorrow I will just work harder.  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weight-loss Journey.. Week #1 Re-cap ..

                Today marks the first week of my official weight loss journey.  I am more than happy with myself; not only did I conquer a fear but accomplished a new goal. Unfortunately my body was not ready to embark this new goal. On Tuesday I was able to run 2 complete miles without stopping however my body soon realized it was not ready. A year ago today I injured my back the cause being over exercising. I realized on Wednesday morning after waking up with a horrible back ache and terribly sore legs that I was putting my body in jeopardy again. That same day I decided to walk two miles and run one which is not bad considering all I did for an entire year was walk. This upcoming week I have decided to continue to run one mile and slowly increase my speed.
              Today is my rest day which means no running or exercising I am letting my muscles relax and giving them time to grow and catch up. Today I am not sore and I do not feel drained out. I believe my body is finally getting use to this new routine which makes me happy. Never did I think I would have this much fun losing weight. In the past I tried many times but always failed. It always disappointed me but I never lost hope.  I finally realized I was ready for a change and truly wanted it for myself. It finally became about me and not everyone else; which is something I feel comes with time.  Failing is just part of the journey it is part of being human and having insecurities.
              Slowly but surely I am letting go of everything I have been told and taught about beauty. I am learning how to eat, exercise and accept myself. Accepting myself has not been a problem for me since I have always been into myself. Fat or not. I always considered myself beautiful but like everyone I have my own insecurity moments.  I am human thus I feel. People at times can be extremely cruel as well even when they do not mean too. Which is odd.  I know that many overweight individuals suffer from low self esteem issues and well I understand them because at one brief point I use to be very insecure. To my fellow fatties .. yes fatties..  Fat is not a bad word the faster you come in terms with that the better. Also realize that no one is perfect.. NO ONE will ever be perfect.. work on building your self esteem first learn to love yourself above all and everything will turn out at the end <3 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weight-loss Journey ... (MILESTONE ACCOMPLISHED)

           A long time ago I promised myself I would do something about my weight but every time something would happen to discourage me.  This time I have decided to face my fears head on. To challenge myself not only physically but mentally and take control of my life I know this sounds cheesy and to those who know me unrealistic since I always said I would do something about my weight however never did or I always gave up. But I am in a different stage of my life; being overweight has not only prevented but shun me from so many different opportunities. Opportunities I use to believe had nothing to do with your weight. I use to believe in the kindness of people and human’s over all. Neat less to say, I have seen the worst in people and I have been treated horribly. My experiences have not only shaped the way I view life and the way I will continue to view life but has shaped and developed it in the way.  I feel beyond blessed to have stumbled upon amazing individuals that have helped, supported and challenged my views.  To those who have shun and made me feel worthless I thank you because without you I would of never have gotten the courage to face my fears. One of them being public exercising; I know it sounds stupid but it’s real.
             Today I accomplished a huge milestone that is running not just one but two miles. I have never been able to run for that long non-stop I felt amazing. Not even when I was working out 6 days a week I was able to run for that long. Changing my diet has truly been a blessing in disguised. I use to think portion size was all I needed. However, every time I did that I would fail. I went in the search for the perfect, natural way to lose weight. I educated myself, bought books (something I never imagined myself doing) and now I am more than satisfied with the changes/improvements I am beginning to see. Not only am I more energetic but happier and even more confident. This time next year I am more than positive I will be an entire different person. I am excited to see how this journey will turn out and ecstatic to share it with all of you.

(My happy 2 mile's Face) 

I love you all,

Kitty <3 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Salt is the Devil ..

This is completely irrelevant to the blogs i usually post ... 
i feel HORRIBLE! i ate a crap load of salt today... 
this is what happened .. 
I ate tuna today and well i am not a fishy kind of person and usually when i eat tuna i tend to add a lot of salt and lemon to take the flavor of fish off i also add a lot of mayo :/ 
Today i believe i added far too much salt and now i am feeling the side effects .. 
and i can honestly say i do not feel like ever eating salt in my life again !... 
at this point i am a bit scared of salt .. 
Not only do i feel dehydrated but moody and bloated .. 
 there are times were my heart seems to rapidly beat .. 
I am a bit scared and after this i can honestly say i will not be consuming any salt for a while.. 
I will start to take my eating habits a bit more serious .. 
it is a horrible feeling.. 
my insides feel on fire.. 
my mouth is dry .. 
my skin wants water .. 
it is such an odd feeling .. 
somewhat like getting sun burn for 10 hours and being extremely dehydrated... 
i am drinking water and tried working out for a bit 
which helped but i feel weird.. 
so i stopped and now i am just trying to stay as hydrated as possible and increase my potassium levels in order to defeat the sodium side affects... 
Moral of the story.. 
DO NOT eat too much salt .. :/ 

Never again !!! 


Yummy quick Summer Smoothie ;) 

5 Peaches 
1 Banana 
1 cup of Milk
1 table spoon of Cinnamon

Blend everything togther 

Enjoy ;)