Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Salt is the Devil ..

This is completely irrelevant to the blogs i usually post ... 
i feel HORRIBLE! i ate a crap load of salt today... 
this is what happened .. 
I ate tuna today and well i am not a fishy kind of person and usually when i eat tuna i tend to add a lot of salt and lemon to take the flavor of fish off i also add a lot of mayo :/ 
Today i believe i added far too much salt and now i am feeling the side effects .. 
and i can honestly say i do not feel like ever eating salt in my life again !... 
at this point i am a bit scared of salt .. 
Not only do i feel dehydrated but moody and bloated .. 
 there are times were my heart seems to rapidly beat .. 
I am a bit scared and after this i can honestly say i will not be consuming any salt for a while.. 
I will start to take my eating habits a bit more serious .. 
it is a horrible feeling.. 
my insides feel on fire.. 
my mouth is dry .. 
my skin wants water .. 
it is such an odd feeling .. 
somewhat like getting sun burn for 10 hours and being extremely dehydrated... 
i am drinking water and tried working out for a bit 
which helped but i feel weird.. 
so i stopped and now i am just trying to stay as hydrated as possible and increase my potassium levels in order to defeat the sodium side affects... 
Moral of the story.. 
DO NOT eat too much salt .. :/ 

Never again !!! 

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