Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weight-loss Journey ... (MILESTONE ACCOMPLISHED)

           A long time ago I promised myself I would do something about my weight but every time something would happen to discourage me.  This time I have decided to face my fears head on. To challenge myself not only physically but mentally and take control of my life I know this sounds cheesy and to those who know me unrealistic since I always said I would do something about my weight however never did or I always gave up. But I am in a different stage of my life; being overweight has not only prevented but shun me from so many different opportunities. Opportunities I use to believe had nothing to do with your weight. I use to believe in the kindness of people and human’s over all. Neat less to say, I have seen the worst in people and I have been treated horribly. My experiences have not only shaped the way I view life and the way I will continue to view life but has shaped and developed it in the way.  I feel beyond blessed to have stumbled upon amazing individuals that have helped, supported and challenged my views.  To those who have shun and made me feel worthless I thank you because without you I would of never have gotten the courage to face my fears. One of them being public exercising; I know it sounds stupid but it’s real.
             Today I accomplished a huge milestone that is running not just one but two miles. I have never been able to run for that long non-stop I felt amazing. Not even when I was working out 6 days a week I was able to run for that long. Changing my diet has truly been a blessing in disguised. I use to think portion size was all I needed. However, every time I did that I would fail. I went in the search for the perfect, natural way to lose weight. I educated myself, bought books (something I never imagined myself doing) and now I am more than satisfied with the changes/improvements I am beginning to see. Not only am I more energetic but happier and even more confident. This time next year I am more than positive I will be an entire different person. I am excited to see how this journey will turn out and ecstatic to share it with all of you.

(My happy 2 mile's Face) 

I love you all,

Kitty <3 

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